Donation Workshop

Thank you for your interest in climate justice and antiracist movement building.

As mostly white, privileged people, we ultimately ask people with experiences of discrimination to share these experiences and their knowledge so that we can learn from them. It could also simply be our task to deal with our postcolonial history and resulting responsibility and to recognise structural racism ourselves, to take it seriously and to actively work against it. So if we nevertheless ask other people to do this, who often have to struggle with it anyway, we would like to express our respect for their work in a payment.
Please note that donating and the possibility of participating in the workshops are independent from each other.

If you can donate, we would be very happy if you could support this workshop with a donation.
We suggest 10 Euros, but every contribution, no matter how small, is helpful.

Alternatively you can donate money by direct bank transfer to our bank account: IBAN DE18 4306 0967 1237 5651 00, BIC: GENODEM1GLS, GLS Bank (account holder: KLUG – Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit e.V.). Please indicate “Donation for Climate Justice” and your address as reason for payment so we can issue a tax receipt for your donation. KLUG is a non-profit organisation so your donation is tax-deductible in Germany. We are happy to send you a donation receipt on request via For donations over €200, this will be done automatically in the beginning of the following year if we have your address.

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